Emergency financial assistance to people
The Australian government has provided an additional $1 million in funding for emergency financial assistance in 2024-2025 to people from significantly affected areas of Israel and the Occupied Palestinian Territories who have arrived in Australia on temporary visas and who have been assessed to be in financial hardship.
Support for exiting Gaza:
The powers of the Australian Government is very limited as the current situation is very difficult and unpredictable. As it stands, the Gaza border is controlled by other authorities who assess requests to assist foreign nationals and immediate family members. Gaza border authorities have put tight limits on who can cross.
The Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) must work within the capacity of the system established for foreign nationals seeking to leave. DFAT is prioritising assistance to Australian citizens, permanent residents and immediate family.
Onshore visa options include:
Protection visa (subclass 866) We continue to support Refugees and provide advice and visa assistance for those who arrived in Australia on a valid visa and want to seek asylum.
Temporary Protection Visa (Subclass 785) For those who arrived in Australia without a visa and want to seek asylum.
Safe Haven Visa (Subclass 790) For those who arrived in Australia without a visa and want to seek asylum.
Offshore visa options include:
Refugee visa (Subclass 200,201,203 and 204) With these visas you can move to Australia if you are subject to persecution in your home country. These visas allow you and your family to live, work and study indefinitely in Australia.
Global special Humanitarian Visa (Subclass 202) With this visa you can move to Australia if you face substantial discrimination or human rights abuses, and have a proposer, and stay in Australia permanently with your immediate family.
For more information on visas and Refugees, please contact our office on: +61 3 94163463 or email: email@osullivanandruffilli.com.au